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September 14, 2024
Projects Technology

Solar hybrid system resumes water service for 150 households

Wajir County, Kenya, September 26, 2018— Community members in Habaswein Ward, Wajir County, now enjoy regular access to
clean water from a community borehole thanks to
the installation of a new solar hybrid-power system
at the Dur Dur borehole.
MWA Kenya RAPID representatives and the subcounty Ward Officer representing the Wajir County
government joined the community for an inauguration ceremony of the system last August.
Initially installed by the Wajir County Government’s
Constituencies Development Fund, the Dur Dur
borehole serves 150 households and four schools.
The community relies on the borehole for day-today activities such as cooking, cleaning, and watering livestock and crops.
However, frequent malfunctions and an out-of-date
diesel generator made the borehole too expensive to
maintain. Repair costs had increased, revenue collection had decreased, and families trekked for miles
to access clean water.
MWA Kenya RAPID and implementing partner World
Vision upgraded the borehole from a diesel generator to a solar hybrid system, decreasing operating
costs by up to 50 percent. The improved performance
increased revenue. More importantly, the borehole’s
improved functionality will mean access to clean
water is no longer a struggle for the Habaswein Ward
community and their animals.
The Water Use Committee, a small group of individuals appointed by the community, manages the borehole. Kenya RAPID and World Vision are working on
capacity-building initiatives for the committee on
customer relations and community adoption.
Kenya RAPID is a five-year development program
of the Millennium Water Alliance bringing together
public and private institutions to increase access to
water and sanitation for people and water for livestock, and to rebuild a healthy rangeland-management ecosystem.
Kenya RAPID has been working in Wajir County
since 2015 in partnership with the Wajir County government and World Vision, the implementing MWA
member. So far, Kenya RAPID has completed 14 boreholes operating on solar energy and installed four
elevated steel tanks in Wajir, improving the lives of
56,783 people. Kenya RAPID receives major funding
from the United States Agency for International
Development and the Swiss Agency for Development
and Cooperation.

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