16.6 C
February 7, 2025
Featured Water Conservation

Simple ways to conserve water at home

Our contemporary modern households use water for different purposes ranging from doing laundry, bathing, cleaning, watering
lawns, cooking and other uses.
In Nairobi, as in other major cities and towns in
the country, water problem is pronounced and has
caused untold suffering among residents, who have
had to endure months of water rationing to make
sure that the scarce resource is equally distributed
among all citizens.
And so what are the steps that households should
take to make sure they optimise the use of water
and make every drop count with the future in mind?
Around the house
Checking for leaks and cracks in the house and
fixing them saves a lot of water. For instance, a
leaking faucet or outlet, sink and toilet can result
in an extensive amount of extra water being used.
Having regular inspections from a plumber or water
specialists can lead to early detections, prompting
swift fixing.
Investing in water-saving devices that use less water
to perform everyday tasks is also another way of conserving water at home. Purchasing water-efficient
products and appliances like sink systems, bathtubs and dishwashers can go a long way in saving
on water.
Also make it a habit to turn the faucets off tightly
after use.
In the kitchen
Washing dishes: A lot of water is wasted in the
kitchen and especially in the sink while washing
dishes. To avoid excess use of water, use of running
water should be avoided, and instead the use of twosink method should be adopted.
Start by scraping every bit of food you can off your
utensils in one place then place them in a basin
where you should now let your tap open. Wash them
before putting them to the next basin where you will
do a quick rinse. This will ensure that you save a lot
of water that would have been lost if you would have
let the tap run freely during the whole process.
If you wash your dishes by hand, fill one side of the
sink with fresh water and use it for rinsing when the
dishes are scrubbed clean rather than rinsing each
plate, cup, or utensil individually but if not, then
consider using a dishwasher, which if properly used,
uses less water than hand washing.
In the bathroom
A lot of unnecessary water is used for showering
and flushing out toilets. Toilets are water-intensives fixtures in our houses and investing in low-flow
toilets and showerheads that can cut the amount of
water used in half is crucial.
One can also install a composting toilet that requires
no water. Do not use your toilet as a dumping point as
every flushing uses not less than nine litres of water.
Use of low-flow shower heads and shower buckets
to save water
The latter curbs against letting water pour down the
drain by sticking the bucket under the faucet while
you wait for your shower water to heat up, which can
be used in another task in the house like flushing the
toilet or watering plants.
Also fill your bathtub halfway instead of all the way
to the top and start taking shorter showers whenever possible.
Avoiding letting the tap to continuously run while
using it. Develop the habit of turning off the tap
while brushing your teeth or washing your hair until
it is time to rinse. The same should also apply while
scrubbing or washing your hands.
Also stop flushing the toilet every time. Only do this
when it is necessary.
Outside the house
Watering your lawn: In order to use as little water
as possible in your lawns, the best time to water the
grass is early in the morning or late in the evening
just before sunset when the temperatures are down.
This will prevent loss of water through evaporation
if it were to be done during the day when the sun is
A watering can or a triggered hose pipe should also
be used while keeping the stream as close to the
ground as possible so that the water is maximally
absorbed for optimal use. Watering it by hand also
saves as one has more control over water used.
Use a bucket filled with soap and water and a sponge
instead of using a pipe in order to save more water.
Another way to conserve water is through recycling. Waste water called ‘gray water’ that can be
cleaned and/ or treated before being used in another
chore should not be left to run down the drain. For
example, water used in rinsing utensils can be used
to flush the toilet or to water lawns.
And those with recycling mechanisms can collect the
used water, clean it and let it back into the system.

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